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  • After LoveAfter Love - An intimate drama about the emotional and financial complexities of a separation, and the complexity of the end of a long love story.

  • Alive! - What happens when five HIV-positive gay men spend a week preparing for their first solo parachute drop?

  • Althusser, an Intellectual Adventure - Centered around the only filmed interview ever given by acclaimed French philosopher Louis Althusser, who murdered his wife, Helene, a few weeks after the interview was given.

  • The Assistant - A suspenseful drama-thriller in the vein of classic Hitchcock, centering on a mother's revenge for the accidental death of her son.

  • B

  • Between Madness and ArtBetween Madness and Art - The story of Dr. Hans Prinzhorn (1886-1933) and his collection of art by schizophrenic patients.

  • Bitter Money - Documents China's rapid economic and social transformation by following the rural workers who leave their Yunnan hometown to move to the city of Huzhou to work in its textile factories.

  • Bittersweet Joke - Examines the experiences of single mothers in South Korea, where there remains a strong social taboo against single parenthood.

  • Boy In The World - Following four-year-old Ronen, a young boy with Down syndrome, this intimate documentary concretely demonstrates that inclusive preschool classrooms benefit both children with special needs and their typical peers.

  • C

  • Changing Your MindChanging Your Mind - Illustrates new research in nueroplasticity and how the changing brain plays an important role in treating mental diseases and disorders.

  • The Clitoris - A close look at that part of the female anatomy that exists purely for pleasure, and how this highly sensitive organ has long been ignored or misunderstood in the medical literature.

  • The Culture of Emotions - Designed to introduce cultural competence and diversity skills to mental/behavioral health professionals and students who deal with multi-cultural client populations.

  • D

  • Death On Request - Controversial documentary records the last days - and actual death - of a Dutch man who chose euthanasia to end his suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

  • Derrida's ElsewhereDerrida's Elsewhere - An exploration of the life and ideas of Jacques Derrida (1930-2004), arguably the most important philosopher of the 20th Century.

  • Devil in the Flesh - One of the most controversial Italians films of the '80s, DEVIL IN THE FLESH takes Raymond Radiguet's classic novel and updates it to modern times.

  • Do Communists Have Better Sex? - In divided Germany, studies showed that East Germans enjoyed their sexual lives more than their West German counterparts. What could account for the difference?

  • E

  • Edward Said: The Last Interview - An extended discussion with Prof. Edward Said filmed less than a year before his death. The noted literary critic and Palestinian activist delivers his final testament about his life and work as a committed intellectual.

  • El Sicario, Room 164El Sicario, Room 164 - The story of a hitman for the drug cartels, in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

  • F

  • Forced Confessions -
    Since its earliest days, the Iranian regime has relied on forced, televised confessions to humiliate and discredit its opponents and instill fear in its citizens

  • Four Lives - Four people with bipolar disorder, along with their families and psychiatrists, share their struggles to achieve control over the illness and their lives.

  • G

  • Gambling Boys - Looks at the growing problem of gambling addiction among teenagers.

  • Grief in AmericaGrief in America - A comprehensive, multi-ethnic perspective on the ways Americans deal with grief and loss in all their forms.

  • H

  • The Hermitage Dwellers - A kaleidoscopic portrait of Russia's Hermitage, the world's largest museum.

  • Hermitage-Niks - This five-part series is the expanded, in-depth version of THE HERMITAGE DWELLERS.

  • The Hidden Face of Fear - Neuroscientists and psychologists are approaching a common understanding of how the brain's fear circuitry works, and changes.

  • I

  • In Search of MemoryIn Search of Memory - The life and work of one of the most important neuroscientists of the 20th century, Nobel Prize winner Eric Kandel.

  • Inside Out - Transsexuals in Iran. Intimate conversations with doctors, religious authorities, and transsexuals about the mind/body conflict, Islamic interpretations, and the impact of sex-change treatments on their lives.

  • J

  • Jamilia - The film, set in Kyrgyzstan, is a search for Jamilia, the title character in the novella by Chinghiz Aitmatov about a young woman who rebels against the rules of Kyrgyz society.

  • L

  • Latest News from the Cosmos - It wasn't until Helene was 20 years old that her parents discovered that their autistic daughter was able to not only communicate, but to write deeply complex, philosophical and poetic work.

  • The Learning PathThe Learning Path - The stories of three native women who are making control of education an important issues in today's native communities.

  • Level Five - In Chris Marker's futuristic reverie, game-developer Laura creates a video game based on the WWII Battle of Okinawa.

  • Long Story Short - Over 100 people at homeless shelters, food banks, and job training centers discuss their experiences of poverty.

  • M

  • Madam Phung's Last Journey - Madam Phung and her transgender singers travel around Vietnam, sparking fascination and hostility from the local people.

  • Making Every Moment CountMaking Every Moment Count - Addresses the complex issues surrounding palliative end-of-life care for children. Psychologist Leora Kuttner profiles five children with life threatening illness, and the families and health professionals who support them.

  • Man for a Day - Performance artist and drag king Diane Torr leads a workshop in which women develop male characters.

  • A Man's Place - Confronted with unforeseen pregnancies and, in most cases, abortions, men reveal their feelings and thoughts.

  • Middletown - This classic series, created by Emmy and Academy Award winner Peter Davis, explores both the continuity and the change embodied in the people and institutions of one Midwestern community: Muncie, Indiana.

  • Mind in MotionMind in Motion - An exploration of the latest scientific discoveries about the human brain, an inner cosmos as complex as the universe itself.

  • Monte Grande - How do body and mind exist as an integrated whole? The eminent neurobiologist Francisco Varela devoted his entire life to answering this question. Featuring His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso the 14th Dalai Lama

  • N

  • A Natural History of Laughter - A lively look at the latest developments in the scientific study of laughter.

  • Nostalgia for the Light - In Chile's Atacama Desert, Patricio Guzman studies distant galaxies, ancient civilizations, and the remains of the disappeared.

  • Not A GameNot A Game - A stark, graphic warning about crystal meth aimed especially at pre-teens and younger children who might be influenced by older kids to "experiment." Classroom scenes show students practicing "refusal skills," and a plain-talking physician asks "What part of your brain would you like to do without?"

  • O

  • One in 2000 - One in two thousand babies are born with anatomy that doesn't clearly mark them as either male or female. This provocative documentary demystifies the issue through intimate profiles of people born intersex.

  • Out of Place - Traces the life and work of Edward Said (1935-2003), the Palestinian-born intellectual who wrote widely on history, literature, music, philosophy and politics.

  • P

  • Packrat - Compulsive hoarding has been linked to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and dementia. This video profiles two families whose lives have been shaped by the "packrat," behavior of a family member.

  • The Perfumed GardenThe Perfumed Garden - An exploration of the myths and realities of sensuality and sexuality in Arab society.

  • PicturePerfect - This lively and engaging video explores the impact media has on young women's physical, psychological and emotional health, and offers tools to begin dissecting the media that influence our behaviors, attitudes, and values.

  • Portraits of America - Natalie Bookchin is an artist and filmmaker who, through virtuosic editing and innovative sonic and visual montage, interrogates the American crisis and its increased inequality and polarization.

  • Principles & Practices of Building Community Special - Seven sessions of training providing skills and education on some of the most important concepts of community inclusion.


  • Raw BeautyRaw Beauty - Explores the immense influence of artists deemed to have psychological illnesses on 20th-century art history.

  • Refrigerator Mothers - From the 1950's through the 1970's, autism was widely blamed on cold and rejecting mothers. This film explores the devastating impact of this misdiagnosis through the stories of seven mothers and their children.

  • The Road to Kerbala - Filmmaker Katia Jarjoura joins religious celebrants on the 100-kilometer walk from Baghdad to Kerbala, offering rare insights into the political and religious turmoil of U.S.-occupied Iraq.

  • S

  • Sage - Celebrates the wisdom, experience, and creativity of our society's elders through portraits of a diverse group of active, engaged seniors pursuing their lifetime interests, and some new ones as well. Among those profiled is TV chef Julia Child.

  • Scars of MemoryScars of Memory - An oral history of the 1932 massacre of 10,000 El Salvadorans, a trauma that has resonated through six decades of military rule, until the 1992 peace accords ended a brutal, 12-year civil war.

  • Secret Fear - From Oscar-winning producer Eva Orner (Taxi to the Dark Side), this multi-faceted documentary explores the full spectrum of anxiety-related disorders, from panic attacks and phobias to obsessive compulsive disorder.

  • The Secret Life of Babies - A two-part examination of the psychological development of babies, from intrauterine life to the first months after birth. How do fetuses and babies perceive their worlds, and ours?

  • Selling Sickness - Explores the unhealthy relationships between society, medical science and the pharmaceutical industry as it promotes not just drugs but also the latest diseases that go with them.

  • Smoking KillsSmoking Kills - Thomas is a hardcore smoker, and he's going to give it up.

  • Sociology is a Martial Art - An introduction to the work of Influential sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, whose 40 books and countless articles represent a renovation and application of social science.

  • State of Mind - Therapist Albert Pesso trains mental-health care works in Kinshasa, Congo, in a technique to help genocide survivors overcome the traumas they witnessed and endured.

  • Stuffed - Some people can't seem to throw anything away. This engaging documentary invites us to enter the mind of the compulsive hoarder, while dispelling the stereotype that all "packrats" are isolated elderly derelicts.

  • T

  • TadmorTadmor - Eight former detainees recall the years spent being tortured in Syria's notorious Tadmor Prison.

  • Talk to Me: Teens Speak Out About Sexual Violence - One in six victims of sexual assault are under the age of twelve. Talk to Me allows five brave young women to speak directly about their painful experiences of sexual abuse. The film will be a catalyst for dialogue between students, parents, teachers and counselors.

  • Though I Am Gone - Pioneering artist Hu Jie uncovers the shocking story of girls' school headmistress who was beaten to death by her students during the Cultural Revolution.

  • The 3 Rooms of Melancholia - An award-winning, stunningly beautiful revelation of how the Chechen War has psychologically affected children in Russia and in Chechnya.

  • TikinaganTikinagan - Reveals the challenges faced by a native run child care agency in northwestern Ontario.

  • 'Til Madness Do Us Part - The daily lives and isolation of a group of men locked on one floor of a Chinese city's psychiatric institution.

  • Todos Santos: The Survivors - Demonstrates how the political turmoil of the 1980s affected this once quiet Guatemalan village.

  • Toward Daylight - To kindle the hope necessary for the living to face, and move on from, the pain and loss of suicide, five people tell their stories.

  • V

  • Vulva 3.0Vulva 3.0 - Comprehensive and unflustered research into the history and biology of the female anatomy.

  • W

  • Wandering Souls - Thirty years after the end of the war against the United States, two Vietnamese veterans continue to search for the remains of their dead comrades.

  • Y

  • Young Freud in Gaza - Ayed is a young psychotherapist in Gaza. The film shows his consultations with a variety of patients, and the challenges he and they face.

More Films & DVDs on Psychology & Psychiatry
  • Breasts - Twenty-two women, ages 6 to 84-years-old, discuss how breasts play a crucial role in the experiences of puberty, motherhood, sex, health and aging. *Outstanding Achievement Award, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality

  • Casting the First Stone - Focuses on six women who regularly confront each other from opposite sides of a police barricade—three believe that abortion is an inalienable right, three consider it murder.

  • A Change of Character - This captivating video features neuroscientist Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg, author of The Executive Brain, as well as neurologist and best-selling author Dr. Oliver Sacks (Awakenings), in a discussion of frontal lobe damage.

  • A Child's Century of War - Takes the viewer on a journey through the past century - the bloodiest in history - from the perspective of children, and tells their stories in their voices.

  • Crystal Fear, Crystal Clear - Methamphetamine, or crystal meth, has become the drug of choice for teenagers in small towns across North America. Highly addictive, cheap, and easy to get, it can cause psychosis, permanent brain damage, and even death. This program documents a year in the lives of three families devastated by this powerful, seductive drug.

  • Dreamland - Takes a sharp but disarming approach in examining the romance of gambling, and reveals the decidedly unromantic reality.

  • Facebook's "Adorno Changed My Life" - In the hyper-connected isolation of social networks names become tags, words are links, and interfaces are never innocent.

  • Fat Chance - Yuka, almost 200 pounds and fast approaching fifty, decides the time has come to lose weight in hopes of becoming healthier and happier.

  • Good Days, Bad Days - Profiles of individuals who love and support someone struggling with mental illness, examining the profound impact that these disorders can have on other family members.

  • Hidden Wounds - Three disturbing portraits of Iraq veterans highlighting the issue of post-traumatic stress disorder, estimated to affect as many as one in five soldiers returning from the war in Iraq.

  • High Risk Offender - A look into the universe of the parole office, and the tenuous relationships between offenders and their parole officers and therapists.

  • How Happy Can You Be? - What is happiness? And how do we get more of it? Visiting leading figures in positive psychology and observing clinical experiments, this is a light-hearted but serious investigation.

  • Human Weapon - The first sober, in-depth examination of the history of suicide bombing. Filmed in Iran, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Israel, Palestine, Europe and the United States.

  • Jacques Lacan Speaks - A unique film from the archives, a documentary based on a 1971 university speaking appearance by Jacques Lacan (1901-1981), the most influential psychoanalyst after Freud.

  • Mademoiselle and the Doctor - Lisette Nigot seems an unlikely candidate for euthanasia. At 79, she is in good health, feels no pain, and does not seem depressed. But she says she sees no reason to continue living. And Dr. Philip Nitschke is willing to help her.

  • Mortal Lessons - Two extraordinary women, diagnosed with end stage cancer, are facing death head on, determined to lead richer, more rewarding lives in the time that they have.

  • The Mothers' Triangle - A revealing, heartrending portrait of two generations of young, single mothers living in the shadow of abuse and abandonment.

  • Multiple - For six years, actor and director Alison Peebles has been keeping a secret: she has multiple sclerosis. Now, in the midst of working on an important TV series, she finds she can no longer hide her symptoms. She's afraid this revelation may destroy her career — and she'll also have to kiss goodbye to her sexy, high-heeled shoes.

  • The Pitch of Grief - Explores the process of grieving through interviews with four bereaved men and women, young and old.

  • Private Dicks - Rarely do we hear men talking honestly about their penises—until now. Surveying men from all walks of life, this film explores the naked truth.

  • Remembering - The phenomena of human memory. A dialogue with one's own history? An incomprehensible flow of individual and collective references that determine our current and future life?

  • 20 Years Old in the Middle East - Filmed after the fall of Saddam Hussein, this film traverses the region - from Jordan to Syria, Iran, and Lebanon - to take the pulse of Arab and Iranian youth.

  • The Virgin Diaries - Two young women journey through Morocco in search of answers to their questions about virginity, sex and Islam.