Talk to Me: Teens Speak Out About Sexual Violence

From The Fanlight Collection

Directed by Saun Ellis

33 minutes / Color
Release: 2006
Copyright: 2006

Only available to stream on Docuseek2.

Rape is the most underreported crime in America. One in six victims of sexual assault are under the age of twelve. Pre-teen and teen victims are often silenced by fear, shame, guilt, and threats of reprisal. Talk to Me allows five brave young women to speak directly about their painful experiences of sexual violence. The film will be a catalyst for dialogue between students, parents, teachers and counselors.

• Bernadette was the victim of multiple rapes by adult authority figures. When she confronted one of her attackers, a Catholic priest, other church members blamed her and called her a tramp. Now in a supportive environment, she encourages rape victims to speak out about their feelings.

• Scotlan, at age 14, was continuously assaulted by her boyfriend, who became violent when she rejected his advances. She became depressed, felt isolated, and began doing poorly in school. She notes the lack of safe places young adults can go for help.

• Sara describes herself as young, overweight, lacking self-esteem — "the perfect target." When she had her rapist arrested, peers at school ruthlessly teased her. But when the rapist was eventually jailed, five other girls thanked her for speaking out. He had victimized them as well, but they had not had the courage to come forward.

• Erin was attacked by a "friend" during her first year in college. Once confident she could take care of herself, she kept thinking, "he's my friend, this isn't really happening." After he was arrested and expelled, she thought she could just move on with her life, but experienced severe flashbacks and anxiety attacks.

• Sophia was molested by a family friend when quite young. She became depressed, began to self-mutilate by cutting herself, and was acutely afraid of men, even her father. With the help of counseling, she now expresses her feelings in a healthier way, through music, and is looking forward to dating.

Though their stories are different, in each case the abuse was perpetrated by someone the victim knew and trusted. And in each case, these young women have found growth, healing and strength through confronting what has happened with the help of caring adults.

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"Provides a complete package for domestic violence training for health care professionals. Highly recommended."—Educational Media Reviews Online

"An extremely valuable documentary that allows the viewer to experience the feelings of five brave young women who share how they were victimized and continue to survive. Recommended to all human service professionals and students."—Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling

Ways to Watch

Colleges, Universities, Government Agencies, Hospitals, and Corporations

Purchase DVD for $229.00

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Select Accolades

  • Women's International Film Festival
  • Columbus International Film/Video Festival, Honorable Mention
  • Hot Springs Documentary Festival
  • Western Psychological Association
  • WorldFest Houston Film Festival, Bronze Remi Award