Gambling Boys

From The Fanlight Collection

Directed by Laura Turek

46 minutes / Color
Release: 2013
Copyright: 2010

Who would think that teenagers playing a friendly game of poker, or joining an online game of Texas hold'em, could find themselves facing serious gambling problems and, for some, addiction? But young adults are vulnerable. With the barrage of marketing campaigns, television coverage of poker tournaments, and easy online access, it is no surprise that teens are increasingly affected.

GAMBLING BOYS examines the growing popularity of gambling among teens, and issues a wake-up call to parents who, more worried about drugs and alcohol, overlook the dangers it poses.

film still

Profiling three young people, aged 14 to 21, the film presents a range of teen gamblers, and their varied experiences. Dakota, 14, is highly competitive and loves playing poker with friends and online. He doesn't yet gamble with real money, but is worried about his future, when he'll be old enough to do so legally. Jamie, 21, lost two years of high school to his poker addiction, regularly skipping school to play cards a nearby casino. Clifford, 18, is in rehab for his sports betting problem: at his lowest point, he was gambling $10,000 a day.

Interviews with other young people, a debt collector for online gambling sites, and Did-Tafari Belizaire, a recovered gambling addict who now addresses high school classes, round out this look at the issues surrounding teen gambling.

GAMBLING BOYS is designed to raise awareness and foster a better understanding of a growing problem with which too few parents and educators are engaged.

“Eye opening! The real-life testimonies offered by the young men throughout the film are both convincing and compelling... An essential resource.” —Carl A. Andrews, Educational Media Reviews Online (EMRO)

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Takes a sharp but disarming approach in examining the romance of gambling, and reveals the decidedly unromantic reality.

Lisanne Skyler | 2001 | 71 minutes | Color | English