Principles & Practices of Building Community: 7 Volume Set

Seven sessions of training providing skills and education on some of the most important concepts of community inclusion. THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF BUILDING COMMUNITY is a DVD library of compassionate, humorous and provocative training. It is for service providers or undergraduate college level instruction. Developed and presented by Dr. Thomas Pomeranz a nationally recognized authority, trainer, clinician and consultant in the field of services for people with disabilities. Dr. Pomeranz uses high quality graphic, humor and his 35 years of experience to engage his viewers. The seven volume set includes:

Volume 1: Skills of Courtesy

Founded in the maxim "an institution is not a place; it is a state of mind." Tom explains that individuals who have few valued relationships and few things of value are living an "institutional life." It introduces the concept of "disabilityism" explaining how one's behavior may unwittingly cause one to behave in a discriminatory manner. Tom discusses a variety of tools - "skills of courtesy" that may be exercised to support others in improving the quality of their lives.

Volume 2: Age Appropriateness

Dr. Pomeranz decisively dispels the myth "they are children in adult bodies." Introduces a variety of age-appropriate training and leisure materials that are desired by individuals with developmental disabilities. Through the sharing of tales, attendees will increase their sensitivity to adults with developmental disabilities utilizing age-appropriate media and behaviors. Deviancy-competency hypothesis will be discussed as to its importance in encouraging adults with developmental disabilities to select age-appropriate items.

Volume 3: Supported Routines

The maxim that "without a presence, there is no future" serves as the foundation for this session. Details how supports should be delivered to allow individuals with significant cognitive, physical and/or behavioral challenges to participate in all aspects of their life. The four supported routine outcomes (facilitating connections, maximizing independence, enhancing self-worth, and producing self-determination) are detailed and their life enhancing effects are reviewed.

Volume 4: Positive Behavioral Supports

Dealing with anger and its consequences is one of the most difficult and important challenges we face in supporting people with developmental disabilities. This presentation is focused to provide "best practice approaches" which will assist in supporting others in diminishing the causes of anger. In this presentation Dr. Pomeranz assesses the medical/biological, psychological/psychiatric and environmental influences of socially inappropriate behavior. Emphasis is placed on proactive strategies to identify and respond to the unmet needs of the individual.

Volume 5: Universal Language

Heightens sensitivities to the impact of language in promoting respectful relationships. The evolution of slang references that devalue people in numerous examples of insensitive language are presented with the Universal Language alternative. It is the outcome of this session "that the words and language we use in talking about our friends - the words and language they use in talking about us", will serve as the standard in how we speak to and about people with disabilities - "It's all in how you say it."

Volume 6: Instructional Strategies

Dr. Pomeranz focuses on the fundamental strategies of promoting independence and self-determination. The instructional strategies address: verbal prompting, training materials usage, physical queuing, physical prompting, backward chaining, graduated guidance, successive approximations, proximity control and environmental engineering. Through demonstration and role-play, attendees will enhance their skills in training "direct support professionals" in effectively teaching individuals: daily living, vocational, leisure, social and community participation skills.

Volume 7: Transition: From Consumer to Producer

Staff will learn 'Best Practice' approaches in transitioning classic day program services to a "work" oriented service model. Dr. Pomeranz provides participants with the values and vision that drive the Day Program from activities of little meaning to a content of meaningful activities that engender dignity and respect. Staff will learn realistic and common sense approaches to significantly improve quality of services.

Ways to Watch

Colleges, Universities, Government Agencies, Hospitals, and Corporations

Purchase DVD for $448.00


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