Rabbit a la Berlin - 2010 Academy Award Nominee, Best Documentary Short Subject. The history of the Berlin Wall from the rabbits' point-of-view.
Raised from Dust - This narrative sheds light on the unexplored lives of the approximately 40 million Christians in China.
Rapayan - High in the Andes mountains of Peru, above a small village that scarcely seemed to notice, archaeologists have found the ruins of an indigenous settlement that predates the Incas.
Rare - RARE follows an extraordinary mother in a race against time to find a treatment for her daughter's rare genetic disease.
 Raw Beauty - Explores the immense influence of artists deemed to have psychological illnesses on 20th-century art history.
Rebels on Pointe - The riotous, all-male troupe Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo challenge gender and artistic norms in the world of ballet.
Red Hook Justice - Profiles an innovative court in a Brooklyn neighborhood plagued by poverty and crime that is at the center of a legal revolution - the community justice movement.
Red Persimmons - A visually elegant paean to the cultivation and harvesting of the sweet red fruit, and the disappearance of a traditional way of life in rural Japan.
 The Red Soul - Why do so many Russians still defend Stalin as a great leader and a hero? Russians speak openly about Joseph Stalin and their traumas, rooted in a violent history.
Refrigerator Mothers - From the 1950's through the 1970's, autism was widely blamed on cold and rejecting mothers. This film explores the devastating impact of this misdiagnosis through the stories of seven mothers and their children.
Release - Al Capone's release from prison is eagerly awaited by a crowd in Bill Morrison's split-screen panorama. Music by Vijay Iyer.
Remembrance of Things to Come - This tapestry of still photographs, subject-skipping montage and rapid shuttle of wit and philosophy is pure Chris Marker.
 A Republic Gone Mad - A different perspective on the Rwandan massacres derived from study of historical relations between the Tutsi and Hutu.
Rethinking Cuban Civil Society - Unveils the complexities of a Cuban society frequently misrepresented by the media.
The Return of Sara Baartman - After years of unsettling negotiation with France, South Africa finally welcomes home the remains of Sara Baartman in an historic event of repatriation.
Return of the Hero - A delightful screwball farce with surprising depth starring Jean Dujardin and Mélanie Laurent.
 The Ribbon - The journey of the "Peace Ribbon," created by South African mothers both black and white, to protest the government's brutal internal policies.
Ricordi? - A love story, seen through the memories of one young couple.
The Right Way - Two artists in rat and bear costumes try to find reasons for all they see and experience, getting closer than expected to the right way.
A Road to Mecca - The story of Leopold Weiss, a Viennese Jew who converted to Islam in the 1920's and became the Muslim scholar Muhammad Asad.
 Rocío - Woven from home video and news footage collected over 25 years, ROCÍO is the story of a mother's love and the American Dream.
Rocky Road to Dublin - The last film screened at the Cannes Film Festival in 1968. A provocative, biting portrayal of 1960s Ireland: the stultifying educational system, the repressive, reactionary clergy, and the myopic cultural nationalism.
Rojek - Interviews members of the Islamic State who want to establish a caliphate.
Rojo - When an innocuous dinner date ends in a startling altercation with a stranger, Claudio’s apparently placid lifestyle is disrupted, and fault lines begin to appear in the frictionless surface of his professional and domestic existence.
 Roll On - Aims to share the everyday lives of families living with neuromuscular disorders.
Rookies - In the heart of Paris, a prestigious high school takes an audacious bet: integrate students from working-class districts and help them through dance and hip hop.
Roque Dalton - It was once illegal to read books by Roque Dalton, one of El Salvador's most celebrated poets, in his own country.
Roubaix, Police Department, Ordinary Business - Cops in Roubaix, France deal with ordinary and not-so ordinary business while trying to solve a murder.
 Route One/USA - Pt. 1 - New restoration! A journey along Route 1, from Maine to Miami, yields a rich tapestry of American life. Part 1.
Route One/USA - Pt. 2 - New restoration! A journey along Route 1, from Maine to Miami, yields a rich tapestry of American life. Part 2.
Ruth Stone's Vast Library of the Female Mind - Chronicles Ruth Stone's heroic life story as a poet, mother, and teacher, leaving no question as to why she became both a Vermont and national treasure.