K.O.R. - An insider's look at Poland's dissident Workers Defense Committee - and how the group's actions led directly to the formation of the Solidarity union and the end of Poland's Communist regime.
Kapitalism: Our Secret Recipe - Twenty years after Ceausescu, Romanian GDP is low and infrastructure poor. Interviewing the oligarchs who control the Romanian economy, this film finds out what happened.
Karamay - In Karamay, filmmaker Xu Xin helps a community break the silence nearly two decades after a horrible fire killed nearly 300 schoolchildren.
Karayuki-San, The Making of a Prostitute - Shohei Imamura profiles a former Karayuki-San who offers frank testimony into her horrific sexual slavery experiences.
 Karen Refugees: Fleeing Burma's Forgotten War - A courageous band of "backpack medics" slips through the jungle, avoiding army checkpoints, to deliver medical supplies and care to their people, the Karen minority of Burma.
Kentridge and Dumas in Conversation - The two South African artists speak frankly about their work, their studio practice, their inspirations, and the challenges of success.
Khmer Rouge, A Simple Matter of Justice - A UN-appointed court tracks down those responsible for the crimes committed under the Khmer Rouge.
A Kid (Le Fils de Jean) - A Parisian who finds out that the father he never knew has died and decides to go to his funeral in order to meet his two siblings in Quebec.
 Kigali Shaolin Temple - Kigali Shaolin Temple is a kung-fu club in Rwanda started by a group of orphans from the genocide.
Kim's Story: The Road from Vietnam - The story of Kim Phuc, the subject of perhaps the most famous photograph of the Vietnam War, is a story of the personal and public healing of wounds from this century's longest, most divisive war.
Kings of the Wind & Electric Queens - A colorful, sensory experience of the Sonepur Fair in India.
Knock Off - Juxtaposes the deified position logos occupy in our consumer-culture, with the lives of sweatshop workers who cannot afford the items they create.
 The Knowledge of Healing - The first feature documentary dealing extensively with Tibetan medicine.
Kochuu - A visually stunning film about modern Japanese architecture, its roots in Japanese tradition, and their relationships to modernist Scandinavian design. With two Pritzker Prize winners, Tadao Ando and Sverre Fehn.
The Koran: Back to the Origins of the Book - Explores the origins and history of the Koran - where Muslim tradition and scientific research converge.
Kumar Talkies - In Kalpi, a small city in northern India, Kumar Talkies is the only movie theater in town. This film juxtaposes life in the village, with the world of rebellion and romance on the silver screen.
 Kuxa Kanema - The story of Mozambique's National Institute of Cinema (INC) - a history of the birth and death of local cinema, and the birth and death of an ideology.