Café - This intimate documentary follows an indigenous Mexican family through one critical year of life.
Can't Do It In Europe - Some people travel to Bolivia to go down the dangerous silver mines, to see the medieval work conditions. Are they crawling through the contaminated tunnels to learn about a foreign culture, or to escape boredom?
Capitalism - Episode 1 - Capitalism is much more complex than the vision Adam Smith laid out in The Wealth of Nations. Indeed, it predates Smith by centuries and took root in the practices of colonialism and the slave trade.
Capitalism - Episode 2 - Adam Smith was both economist and moral philosopher. But his work on morality is largely forgotten, leading to tragic distortions that have shaped our global economic system.
 Capitalism - Episode 3 - The roots of today's global trade agreements lie in the work of stockbroker David Ricardo and demographer Thomas Malthus. Together, they would restructure society in the image of the market.
Capitalism - Episode 4 - Have we gotten Marx wrong by focusing on the Communist Manifesto instead of on his critique of how capitalism works - a critique that is relevant and as penetrating as ever?
Capitalism - Episode 5 - The ideological divide between the philosophies of John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich Hayek has dominated economics for nearly a century. Is it time for the pendulum to swing back to Keynes? Or do we need a whole new approach that goes beyond this dualism?
Capitalism - Episode 6 - An exploration of the life and work of Karl Polanyi, who sought to reintegrate society and economy. Could the commodification of labour and money ultimately be as disastrous as floods, drought and earthquakes?
Capitalism - The Storytellers - Information on all the main speakers, academic consultants, and additional interviewees featured in Capitalism.
Caring at the End of Life - Based on six case studies of seriously ill hospitalized patients, this moving film focuses on the key roles of nursing staff in improving patient-clinician communication in end-of-life care.
Caring at the End of Life Series - This three-part series deals with end-of-life care and decision making in the hospital, through profiles of several severely ill patients and the staff who deal with them.
The Case of the Grinning Cat - In his newest film, French cinema-essayist Chris Marker reflects on French and international politics, art and culture at the start of the new millennium.
 The Caste Struggle - A controversial affirmative action policy in India has brought about unprecedented social and political change.
Casting the First Stone - Focuses on six women who regularly confront each other from opposite sides of a police barricade—three believe that abortion is an inalienable right, three consider it murder.
Caught in the Crossfire - Chronicles three diverse Arab New Yorkers - a beat cop, a minister, and a high-level diplomatic correspondent - as they wrestle with their place in wartime America.
Celso and Cora - A young couple and their two children living in a squatter settlement in the Philippines' capital, Manila.
 Chain of Love - A film about the Philippines' second largest export product - maternal love - and how the international trade in love and care affects the women involved, their families, and families in the West.
A Chance to Grow - Follows three families whose babies are in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Their stories demonstrate the capacity of ordinary individuals to adapt to crises with extraordinary grace and courage.
A Change of Character - This captivating video features neuroscientist Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg, author of The Executive Brain, as well as neurologist and best-selling author Dr. Oliver Sacks (Awakenings), in a discussion of frontal lobe damage.
Changing Identities: A Story of Traumatic Injury and Art - Each year, approximately 1.5 million people have their lives suddenly changed by brain and spinal cord injuries or stroke.
 Changing Your Mind - Illustrates new research in nueroplasticity and how the changing brain plays an important role in treating mental diseases and disorders.
Chantal Akerman by Chantal Akerman - A self-portrait by experimental narrative and feminist Belgian filmmaker Chantal Akerman.
Chantal Akerman Four Films - Four documentaries spanning two decades are included in this 5-disc box set, with a 16-page booklet and bonus film about the late filmmaker.
Chantal Akerman, From Here - A conversation with Belgian filmmaker Chantal Akerman about her films and her directorial philosophy.
 Charlotte and Her Boyfriend - This short film by Jean-Luc Godard is a wry and funny commentary on toxic masculinity and relationships.
The Chef's Wife - Karin Viard and Emmanuelle Devos star together for the first time as two women who want more out of life-at work and at home
Chez Jolie Coiffure - Step inside a tiny underground hair salon and meet its charismatic owner, a Cameroonian immigrant named Sabine.
Chicago Boys - After the coup in 1973, Chile was turned into a laboratory for the world's most radical neo-liberal experiment.
 A Child's Century of War - Takes the viewer on a journey through the past century - the bloodiest in history - from the perspective of children, and tells their stories in their voices.
The Children of 209 Saint-Maur Street - An emotional historiography on Jewish children whose lives in a normal Parisian apartment building were upended by the Nazi occupation.
Chile, Obstinate Memory - Patricio Guzmán's landmark film The Battle of Chile(1976) documented the "Popular Unity" period of Salvador Allende's government, the tumultuous events leading up to the 1973 coup, and Allende's death. Guzmán has returned to show The Battle of Chile in his homeland for the first time, and to explore the terrain of the confiscated (but reawakening) memories of the Chilean people.
China Concerto - An observational essay about public spectacles in contemporary China.
 The Chinese Lives of Uli Sigg - The entrepreneur, diplomat and art collector Uli Sigg has played a role in the transformation of China's art world since the 1970s.
Cholesterol, the Great Bluff - A rigorous investigation on the cholesterol case, dealing with social, political, scientific and economical issues.
Chore Wars - Do you say "I love you" with flowers - or by doing the dishes?! The place of chores in the battle of the sexes.
Choropampa - When a devastating mercury spill by the world's richest gold mining corporation hits a quiet peasant village in the Peruvian Andes, a courageous young mayor emerges to lead his people on a quest for healthcare and justice.
 Chris Marker's Bestiary - Five Chris Marker short films devoted to animals collected together and available for the first time!
Chronicle Of A Genocide Foretold - Shot over three years, CHRONICLE OF A GENOCIDE FORETOLD follows several Rwandans before, during, and after the 1994 genocide.
Ciné-Guerrillas: Scenes from the Labudović Reels - Plunges us into the media battle that played out during the Algerian war for independence where cinema was mobilized as a weapon of political struggle against colonialism.
Cinema Novo - An intricately edited documentary composed of film clips from the major works of the Brazilian "Cinema Novo" movement and period interviews with its leading filmmakers.
 Citizens of the World - Gianni Di Gregorio directs and stars in this comedy about three retirees who decide to move away from Rome to find a better standard of living.
Clara Lemlich - The story of the young, Jewish, Ukrainian-born woman who in 1909 sparked the 'Uprising of the 20,000' -- the first massive strike of New York City garment workers.
Class of Struggle - Workers at the Yema Watch Factory in Besancon depict their own labor struggles in this collective production initiated by Chris Marker.
The Clitoris - A close look at that part of the female anatomy that exists purely for pleasure, and how this highly sensitive organ has long been ignored or misunderstood in the medical literature.
 Close Relations (Rodnye) - Soviet-born Ukrainian director Vitaly Mansky explores Ukraine after the Maidan revolution.
The Coach Machine - Despite having been eliminated from popular TV show The Voice, Luc has a 3-year plan to become a millionaire. Will his dream become a reality?
The Coal Miner's Day - Every day hundreds of men risk life and limb going down into the Buzhanska mine in the Ukraine to mine coal with rusty old tools from the Soviet era.
Coconut Head Generation - In Nigeria, a group of students from the University of Ibadan organize a film club and transform a small classroom into a space for conversation and impassioned debate.
 Code Gray - Academy Award nominee for Best Short Documentary. Explores four open-ended cases in which nurses confront serious ethical dilemmas in their day-to-day work.
Codigo Color, Memorias - An exploration of racism and skin color in Cuba during the 1950s.
Coincidence in Paradise - Delves into the mystery of our origins, seeking the latest discoveries that may answer the question - What exactly was it that first initiated our genesis, our species' actual birth?
Colette - A fascinating visit with the legendary writer in her Paris apartment on the Palais Royal circa 1951. And Jean Cocteau drops by.
 Colette and Justin - A filmmaker interviews his grandparents about their experience of Belgian colonialism.
A Common Purpose - The trial of the "Upington 25" in South Africa in 1986 saw twenty-five men and women from a black township tried for the murder of a local black policeman.
Community Voices - A multi-cultural array of patients, clinicians, and other healthcare workers explore the many ways that differences in culture, race and ethnicity affect health and the delivery of healthcare services.
The Comrade - The story of Luiz Carlos Prestes, legendary leader of the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) for over 35 years, who died in 1990.
 Congo in Four Acts - A quartet of short films (on one DVD) that lay bare the reality of everyday life in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Congo: The Doctor Who Saves Women - Tens of thousands of women have been raped during 20 years of war in eastern Congo.
Conversations with Roy DeCarava - The life of the first black photographer to win a Guggenheim Fellowship.
Conviction - As a juror at Jacques Viguier’s trial, Nora (Marina Foïs) is convinced that he did not kill his wife. This intuition quickly becomes an obsession.
 The Cordillera of Dreams - Patricio Guzmán's latest film completes a trilogy on his native Chile, and the lasting impact of Pinochet’s coup d’état.
The Country Doctor - When a countryside doctor finds out that he suffers from a serious illness, he is left with no choice but to find a replacement.
The Cow Jumped Over the Moon - The story of Fulani cattle herders in West Africa using U.S. satellite imaging technology to find grazing and water for their herds during drought.
Cracks in the Mask - A Torres Strait Islander sets out on a voyage of discovery to the great museums of Europe where his cultural heritage now lies.
 Crimes of Honour - Filmed in Jordan and on the West Bank, investigates the terrible reality of femicide—the killing of sisters or daughters suspected of losing their virginity, for having refused an arranged marriage or having left a husband.
Crystal Fear, Crystal Clear - Methamphetamine, or crystal meth, has become the drug of choice for teenagers in small towns across North America. Highly addictive, cheap, and easy to get, it can cause psychosis, permanent brain damage, and even death. This program documents a year in the lives of three families devastated by this powerful, seductive drug.
Cuban Animations from the Young Directors Film Festival - Eight animated shorts from the most important showcase for young cinematic talent in Cuba
Cul de Sac - An allegory for a working class suburb in decline, this film investigates the story of Shawn Nelson, who stole a tank and went on a rampage through the residential streets of Clairemont, CA.
 The Culture of Emotions - Designed to introduce cultural competence and diversity skills to mental/behavioral health professionals and students who deal with multi-cultural client populations.
CultureJam - A film about the movement called Culture Jamming. Pranksters and subversive artists are causing a bit of brand damage to corporate mindshare...