J'y Crois - I Believe In It - A beautifully composed political documentary investigating the decentralization process in Mali.
Jack Kerouac - A charming program from over 40 years ago: Jack Kerouac talks about his childhood, writing On the Road and the origin of the word "beat."
The Jackets Green - Republicans in Northern Ireland answer the question "What are you fighting for?"
Jaguar - In Jean Rouch's collaborative ethnofiction, three Nigerien men journey to Accra for work.
Jama Masjid Street Journal - First film by Mira Nair. A personal record of street life around the Jama Masjid, or Great Mosque, in the old city of Delhi, India.
Jamilia - The film, set in Kyrgyzstan, is a search for Jamilia, the title character in the novella by Chinghiz Aitmatov about a young woman who rebels against the rules of Kyrgyz society.
Janine - Two men unknowingly have had a relationship with the same woman.
Japan's Peace Constitution - Explores the origins of Japan's Constitution in the ashes of war, and the significance of its famous peace clause, Article 9, and the debates surrounding it, in the 21st century.
 Jean Rouch, the Adventurous Filmmaker - A documentary about Jean Rouch, his films, and his influence on African cinema.
Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir - From 1967, for the first time on video or DVD, a portrait of two of the most influential and controversial writers and thinkers of the 20th century. They discuss their work, lives, and the role of intellectuals in modern society.
Jesus Politics - A personal investigation into the role of religion in American politics, and specifically this year's presidential election.
Jinpa - Pema Tseden’s new film: on the path of life, sometimes we meet someone whose dreams overtake our own to the point that they converge.
 Josep - In an internment camp for refugees from the Spanish Civil War, a guard and an artist, Josep Bartoli, befriend each other.
Journal de France - A journal, a voyage through time. He photographs France, she rediscovers the unseen footage he has so carefully kept: his first steps behind the camera, his TV reports from around the world, snatches of their memories and of our history.
Journey to the West - Six countries in 10 days! A group of Chinese tourists visits Europe at whirlwind speed.
Judith Butler - An up-close and personal encounter with this influential theorist and author of the best-seller Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.
 Julietta - A champagne-fizzy comedy of errors, in which a whimsical teen hides out in a sprawling country manor, to the chagrin of its bedeviled owner.
The Junction - They had little in common in life, but Israeli soldier David Biri and Palestinian Fahmi Abou Ammouneh are linked in death, their fates tied to a Gaza crossroads between an Israeli settlement and Palestinian refugee camp.
Jupiter's Moon - Tackles eternally mythic themes and contemporary political issues with visually mind-bending aplomb
Just a Sigh - An imaginative and lushly filmed Parisian romance, with masterful performances by Emmanuelle Devos and her acclaimed co-star Gabriel Byrne.
 Justice - Takes a camera where few have been, a criminal courtroom in Rio de Janeiro, to record the social theatre, the structures of power, what is usually invisible.
Justice and the Generals - Investigates the human rights and legal issues involved when two Salvadoran generals are sued in an American court for atrocities (such as the murder of four American churchwomen) committed during El Salvador's civil war.
Justice at Agadez - Agadez, Niger: Alongside the laws of the state, another judicial system exists. The living heritage of the Muslim tradition.