Dam/Age - Traces renowned, prize winning writer Arundhati Roy's bold and controversial campaign against the Narmada dam project in India.
Damages - Behind the scenes at Koskoff, Koskoff and Bieder, a leading law firm specializing in personal injury cases.
Dark Star: H. R. Giger's World - Meet the Oscar-winner behind the ALIEN xenomorph and architect of nightmares.
A Day with... - Eight African filmmakers each contribute a documentary portrait of the life of a different West African child.

Dead Souls - Dead Souls documents the testimony of survivors of the hard-labor camp in the Gobi Desert in Gansu, China.
The Deadline - A unique and intimate look at the realpolitik of South Africa's negotiated settlement, filmed in the closing stages of the writing of South Africa's new constitution.
Dear Dr. Spencer - From the early 1920s until his death in 1969, Dr. Robert Douglas Spencer practiced medicine in a small town in Pennsylvania, where he treated colds, set fractures - and performed illegal abortions.
Death On Request - Controversial documentary records the last days - and actual death - of a Dutch man who chose euthanasia to end his suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Death Squadrons - The previously untold story of how the French military trained Latin American death squads in the 60s and 70s (and even U.S. Special Forces in the early days of our Vietnam War).
Decasia - A legendary cinematic exploration of the beauty of decaying archival footage by experimental film artist Bill Morrison. Music by Michael Gordon.
Decasia + Light Is Calling - Special edition Blu-ray including both DECASIA, a legendary cinematic exploration of the beauty of decaying archival footage by experimental film artist Bill Morrison, and LIGHT IS CALLING.
December Days - Between 1975 and 1991, Cuba sent more than 400,000 soldiers and civilians to Angola to support of the country's left-wing government. Two thousand of them never returned.

A Decent Factory - Can multinationals make an ethical profit? This film finds out as it follows Nokia's new "ethical management consultant" on a trip to a supplier factory in China.
Delphine's Prayers - A portait of Delphine, a Cameroonian woman who turned to prostitution to support her family.
Democracy on Deadline - A survey of journalists working in various media and languages around the world, as they grapple with their relationships to government, and the dangers of speaking truth to power.
The Democratic Revolutionary Handbook - A how-to manual to the recent democratic (but definitely not spontaneous) revolutions in Georgia, Serbia, and the Ukraine.