Women Under Siege

Directed by Marilyn Gaunt

26 minutes / Color
Release: 1982
Copyright: 1982

Rashadiyah, Lebanon, is six miles from Israel. In 1964, 14,000 Palestinian refugees transformed this then peaceful agrarian village overnight into a primary target for repeated Israeli military attacks.

WOMEN UNDER SIEGE introduces six women who play crucial roles in this besieged Palestinian community. As mothers, teachers, organizers, laborers, and sometimes as fighters, the women of Rashadiyah provided the foundation for their people's ongoing revolution.

Until in June, 1982, shortly after the completion of this film, heavy Israeli bombing reduced the town to rubble, forcing its residents to flee again.

Study Guide available.


"Sensitive, accurate, exciting, educational... a well-done production."—American Anthropologist

Ways to Watch

Colleges, Universities, Government Agencies, Hospitals, and Corporations

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Elizabeth Fernea
Marilyn Gaunt


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