In the Name of the People

Directed by Frank Christopher and Alex Drehsler

75 minutes / Color
Release: 1984
Copyright: 1984

An evocative vision of a nation and its tragic civil conflict, IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE is the record of four filmmakers who secretly entered El Salvador, marched with a guerrilla column across the troubled country, and followed it into combat against government forces in San Salvador.

The civil war is given a personal dimension as we meet the insurgents and their supporters - a guerrilla commander, a 12 year old messenger, a peasant family victimized by right wing death squads, and Charlie Clements, an American doctor working with the rebels.

Other Ways to Watch

Colleges, Universities, Government Agencies, Hospitals, and Corporations

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A film by Frank Christopher & Alex Drehsler
Narrated by Martin Sheen

Select Accolades

  • Academy Award Nominee, 1985 Best Feature Documentary
  • Blue Ribbon Winner, 1985 American Film Festival


A long overdue investigation into the 1981 El Mozote massacre in El Salvador, and the Reagan administration's cover-up of it.

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Tatiana Huezo | 2012 | 104 minutes | Color | English; Spanish | English subtitles