On Our Land

Directed by Antonia Caccia

55 minutes / Color
Release: 1981
Copyright: 1981

After the creation of Israel in 1948, Palestinians who chose to remain on their land were banded into farming communities.

But most of this land has since been lost to Israeli kibbutz and moshav settlements. The Palestinians, who number one in six Israeli citizens, now must commute to work in Israeli cities, or farm land that is no longer theirs. They also must contend with discriminatory practices in housing, employment, and education, even though they are Israeli citizens. Centering on Umm el-Fahm, the largest Arab village in Israel, ON OUR LAND tells the story of an ill treated segment of Israel's population which has largely been ignored.

"ON OUR LAND can be strongly recommended as an instructional tool in undergraduate and graduate classes examining colonialism and its impact on indigenous populations, the process of underdevelopment, class formation and ethnicity, and the specific situation of the Palestinians in Israel."—American Anthropologist

"An excellent film... guaranteed to set off fierce reactions."—Cineaste

Ways to Watch

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Select Accolades

  • Finalist, 1983 American Film Festival