Let Them Eat Cake

From The Fanlight Collection

Directed by Lisa Kaselak

33 minutes / Color
Release: 2007
Copyright: 2006

Against the backdrop of the "Texas Cupcake Controversy," this humorous, engaging documentary takes a close look at the processed food industry and at the ways that junk food and beverages are marketed to children — a factor believed to be a major contributor to today's epidemic of obesity.

In 2004, responding to recent data which had declared Texas children the most obese and unhealthy in the nation, the state of Texas Department of Agriculture enacted a policy banning junk food in the state's schools. This move immediately ignited a firestorm of controversy, with some parents up in arms over this "big brother" move to control what their kids could eat in school.

film still

In the debate over implementation of the Texas School Nutrition Policy, the lowly cupcake became a symbol for both sides: Supporters saw the legislation as an appropriate emergency response to data suggesting that the health impacts of obesity were costing the state over ten billion dollars a year. Opponents portrayed cupcakes as a necessary tool for school and PTA fundraising, and saw the ban on students bringing "birthday cupcakes" to school as unwarranted interference with tradition and with parental rights.

Capitulating to pressure from parents, and to the money and lobbying efforts of the food and beverage industries, in 2005 the legislature passed the "cupcake amendment," rolling back the new policy. Some parents, educators, and health advocates have vowed that the cupcake wars are not over yet.

Ways to Watch

Colleges, Universities, Government Agencies, Hospitals, and Corporations

Purchase DVD for $248.00

Available for educational streaming from:


Lisa Kaselak
Fosforo Films

Select Accolades

  • Student Academy Awards Nominee
  • Texas Action for Healthy Kids Alliance Summit
  • National Nutrition Month Health Fair, Texas
  • National Health Information Awards, Merit Award
  • Columbus International Film/Video Festival, Chris Award


A look inside the secret chambers where designers and scientists are defining your favorite mouthful of tomorrow.

Martin Hablesreiter | 2010 | 52 minutes | Color