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Films & DVDs on South Africa  Text Size Increase Font Size Decrease Font Size
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  • Behind the RainbowBehind the Rainbow - An in-depth exploration into the recent internal conflicts of the ANC in South Africa, leading to Jacob Zuma's election as president.

  • C

  • A Common Purpose - The trial of the "Upington 25" in South Africa in 1986 saw twenty-five men and women from a black township tried for the murder of a local black policeman.

  • D

  • Dying for Gold - The history of gold mining and capitalism in South Africa; and of the disease and poverty which persists to this day.

  • E

  • End of the Dialogue - A landmark film that was one of the first to reveal the full horrors of apartheid to the world.

  • Everything Must Come to LightEverything Must Come to Light - This documentary focuses on the lives of three dynamic lesbians sangomas (traditional healers) living in Soweto, South Africa.

  • Everything Must Fall - A galvanizing examination of the fight for free college education that burst onto the South African political landscape and quickly escalated into a violent national movement. 

  • F

  • Forgotten World - Discover a historic maze of stone circles, terraces and engravings that offer archaelogists new insight into South Africa's past.


  • The Giant Is Falling - A sweeping look at the big political events of recent years that signify the end of an era in South Africa.

  • H

  • How to Steal a CountryHow to Steal a Country - The story of the Gupta family’s spectacular rise from flea market shoe salesmen to establishing a massive black owned business empire in South Africa.

  • I

  • I Talk About Me, I Am Africa - An intimate look at black South Africans' cultural resistance to apartheid.

  • It's My Life - Zackie Achmat, a leading AIDS activist in South Africa, refused to take anti-retroviral medicines until they were made available by the government in public hospitals and clinics.

  • K

  • Kentridge and Dumas in Conversation - The two South African artists speak frankly about their work, their studio practice, their inspirations, and the challenges of success.

  • L

  • Last Grave at DimbazaLast Grave at Dimbaza - Shot secretly and smuggled out of South Africa at the height of the apartheid era, this was the most widely screened and influential anti-apartheid documentary. Now restored and on DVD for the first time.

  • The Life and Times of Sara Baartman - Kidnapped from South Africa in 1810 and "exhibited" around Great Britain, Sara Baartman was treated as a scientific curiosity.


  • Miners Shot Down - How could 34 South African mineworkers be killed during a non-violent strike for better wages... not under apartheid, but today?

  • P

  • Prison for Profit - Whistleblowers, former prisoners and an investigative journalist paint a shocking picture of South Africa’s first privatized prison.

  • R

  • The Return of Sara BaartmanThe Return of Sara Baartman - After years of unsettling negotiation with France, South Africa finally welcomes home the remains of Sara Baartman in an historic event of repatriation.

  • S

  • Song of the Soul - An inside look at urban and rural hospice centers across South Africa that provide community-based compassionate care in the face of widespread poverty.

  • South Africa Belongs to Us - Aided by two black women journalists, the filmmakers visited workers' barracks, a family planning clinic in Soweto, and a shantytown to create the first and most stirring record of black women's lives in South Africa under apartheid.

  • T

  • Time of Pandemics - Explores the quest for an HIV vaccine in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

More Films & DVDs on South Africa
  • City of Dreams - A day in Ponte City, perhaps the tallest residential building in the southern hemisphere, and home to thousands of immigrants from all over Africa.

  • The Color of Gold - In South Africa's President Steyn Gold Mine, 8000 men live in a compound next to the mine shaft in which they dig, far from their families.

  • A Day With the President - A full day - from 4.00am until 11.00pm - in the life of President Nelson Mandela.

  • The Deadline - A unique and intimate look at the realpolitik of South Africa's negotiated settlement, filmed in the closing stages of the writing of South Africa's new constitution.

  • Following On - The final episode from the third season of ORDINARY PEOPLE revisits a number of the men, women, and children featured in the first year of the South African documentary series.

  • Goldwidows: Women in Lesotho - "Goldwidows" are the women whose husbands work in South Africa's mines - often without returning home for five years at a time.

  • Land Affairs - Racial tensions in rural South Africa, where black farmers displaced during apartheid are reclaiming land now "owned" by whites.

  • The Lawyer, The Farmer and The Clerk - Examines the troubling issue of land rights in the new South Africa.

  • Ordinary People - The first ever independently produced current affairs series aired by the South African Broadcasting Corporation's TV1.

  • Passing the Message - Reveals the struggles of black South African workers to organize unions in the face of a vast entanglement of repressive government policies.

  • The Peacemakers - The premiere episode of the acclaimed Ordinary People series visits two rallies commemorating the 1961 Sharpeville massacre - one staged by the Inkatha Freedom Party, the other by the African National Congress.

  • The Ribbon - The journey of the "Peace Ribbon," created by South African mothers both black and white, to protest the government's brutal internal policies.

  • 6000 A Day - The story of how the world's top decision makers knowingly failed to prevent the spread of the AIDS epidemic.

  • The Tooth of the Times - A personal study of the impact the government's decision to end agricultural subsidies had on South African farmers.

  • White City, Black Lives - Five residents of White City, a neighborhood in Soweto, were trained how to use small Hi8 cameras, so that they could tell the story of their own lives, in their own way, to represent themselves to their fellow citizens, and the world.