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Films & DVDs on South Africa  Text Size Increase Font Size Decrease Font Size
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  • Behind the RainbowBehind the Rainbow - An in-depth exploration into the recent internal conflicts of the ANC in South Africa, leading to Jacob Zuma's election as president.

  • C

  • A Common Purpose - The trial of the "Upington 25" in South Africa in 1986 saw twenty-five men and women from a black township tried for the murder of a local black policeman.

  • D

  • Dying for Gold - The history of gold mining and capitalism in South Africa; and of the disease and poverty which persists to this day.

  • E

  • End of the Dialogue - A landmark film that was one of the first to reveal the full horrors of apartheid to the world.

  • Everything Must FallEverything Must Fall - A galvanizing examination of the fight for free college education that burst onto the South African political landscape and quickly escalated into a violent national movement. 

  • F

  • Forgotten World - Discover a historic maze of stone circles, terraces and engravings that offer archaelogists new insight into South Africa's past.

  • G

  • The Giant Is Falling - A sweeping look at the big political events of recent years that signify the end of an era in South Africa.


  • How to Steal a Country - The story of the Gupta family’s spectacular rise from flea market shoe salesmen to establishing a massive black owned business empire in South Africa.

  • I

  • I Talk About Me, I Am AfricaI Talk About Me, I Am Africa - An intimate look at black South Africans' cultural resistance to apartheid.

  • It's My Life - Zackie Achmat, a leading AIDS activist in South Africa, refused to take anti-retroviral medicines until they were made available by the government in public hospitals and clinics.

  • K

  • Kentridge and Dumas in Conversation - The two South African artists speak frankly about their work, their studio practice, their inspirations, and the challenges of success.

  • L

  • Last Grave at Dimbaza - Shot secretly and smuggled out of South Africa at the height of the apartheid era, this was the most widely screened and influential anti-apartheid documentary. Now restored and on DVD for the first time.

  • The Life and Times of Sara BaartmanThe Life and Times of Sara Baartman - Kidnapped from South Africa in 1810 and "exhibited" around Great Britain, Sara Baartman was treated as a scientific curiosity.

  • M

  • Miners Shot Down - How could 34 South African mineworkers be killed during a non-violent strike for better wages... not under apartheid, but today?


  • Ordinary People - Stepping Out - A look at gay life in South Africa.

  • P

  • Prison for Profit - Whistleblowers, former prisoners and an investigative journalist paint a shocking picture of South Africa’s first privatized prison.

  • R

  • The Return of Sara BaartmanThe Return of Sara Baartman - After years of unsettling negotiation with France, South Africa finally welcomes home the remains of Sara Baartman in an historic event of repatriation.

  • S

  • Song of the Soul - An inside look at urban and rural hospice centers across South Africa that provide community-based compassionate care in the face of widespread poverty.

  • South Africa Belongs to Us - Aided by two black women journalists, the filmmakers visited workers' barracks, a family planning clinic in Soweto, and a shantytown to create the first and most stirring record of black women's lives in South Africa under apartheid.

  • T

  • Time of Pandemics - Explores the quest for an HIV vaccine in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

More Films & DVDs on South Africa
  • The Deadline - A unique and intimate look at the realpolitik of South Africa's negotiated settlement, filmed in the closing stages of the writing of South Africa's new constitution.

  • Ordinary People - A Day With the President - A full day - from 4.00am until 11.00pm - in the life of President Nelson Mandela.

  • Ordinary People - A Series - The first ever independently produced current affairs series aired by the South African Broadcasting Corporation's TV1.

  • Ordinary People - The Lawyer, The Farmer and The Clerk - Examines the troubling issue of land rights in the new South Africa.

  • Ordinary People - The Peacemakers - The premiere episode of the acclaimed Ordinary People series visits two rallies commemorating the 1961 Sharpeville massacre - one staged by the Inkatha Freedom Party, the other by the African National Congress.

  • Passing the Message - Reveals the struggles of black South African workers to organize unions in the face of a vast entanglement of repressive government policies.

  • The Ribbon - The journey of the "Peace Ribbon," created by South African mothers both black and white, to protest the government's brutal internal policies.

  • 6000 A Day - The story of how the world's top decision makers knowingly failed to prevent the spread of the AIDS epidemic.