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Films & DVDs about Islam  Text Size Increase Font Size Decrease Font Size
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  • Against My WillAgainst My Will - The stories of three women who took refuge at the Dastak women's shelter in Pakistan, founded to help women fleeing abusive and murderous families.

  • All Restrictions End - Reflections on Islam and clothing, Iranian cinema, Persian painting and more characterize this thought-provoking artistic documentary.

  • C

  • Crimes of Honour - Filmed in Jordan and on the West Bank, investigates the terrible reality of femicide—the killing of sisters or daughters suspected of losing their virginity, for having refused an arranged marriage or having left a husband.

  • D

  • Die Before Blossom - The rising importance of Islamic values in an Indonesian public school is apparent in this portrait of modern schoolgirls Kiki and Dila.

  • F

  • Final FittingFinal Fitting - Showcases the changing cultural styles of Iran and its clerical elite through its portrait of one master tailor and his time-honored craft.

  • Future of Mud - This is the story of Komusa Tenapo, master mason and heir to the secrets of Djenne architecture, the traditional use of mud in Malian buildings.

  • I

  • Inside Out - Transsexuals in Iran. Intimate conversations with doctors, religious authorities, and transsexuals about the mind/body conflict, Islamic interpretations, and the impact of sex-change treatments on their lives.

  • Iran, Veiled Appearances - Depicts clashes in modern Iran between extreme fundamentalism and young people who are pushing for social change, filming with soldiers, religious leaders, students, artists and intellectuals.

  • Iran: A Cinematographic RevolutionIran: A Cinematographic Revolution - The intertwined history of Iran and its cinema, from the first silent films to the talkies, from the Shah's regime to the Islamic revolution, and the international cinematic success of today.

  • J

  • Justice at Agadez - Agadez, Niger: Alongside the laws of the state, another judicial system exists. The living heritage of the Muslim tradition.

  • K

  • The Koran: Back to the Origins of the Book - Explores the origins and history of the Koran - where Muslim tradition and scientific research converge.

  • L

  • Les Enfants Terribles - In Turkey, Mahmut and Zeynep are siblings who clash with their parents while pushing back against the familial expectations to marry young.

  • Living MemoryLiving Memory - About Mali's ancient culture, and this culture's position in the country today. Exposes tensions in a society assailed by modernization, Islam and global tourism, yet confident that it will maintain its own distinctive character.

  • N

  • Neither Allah, Nor Master! - An explosive, personal look at secularism in the Muslim country of Tunisia.

  • P

  • The Perfumed Garden - An exploration of the myths and realities of sensuality and sexuality in Arab society.

  • The Price of Change - Examines the effect of non-domestic work on five Egyptian women.


  • The Road to KerbalaThe Road to Kerbala - Filmmaker Katia Jarjoura joins religious celebrants on the 100-kilometer walk from Baghdad to Kerbala, offering rare insights into the political and religious turmoil of U.S.-occupied Iraq.

  • A Road to Mecca - The story of Leopold Weiss, a Viennese Jew who converted to Islam in the 1920's and became the Muslim scholar Muhammad Asad.

  • Rojek - Interviews members of the Islamic State who want to establish a caliphate.

  • S

  • Saints and Spirits - Explores the personal dimensions of Islam during three religious events in Morocco.

  • Shi'ismShi'ism - Across Iran, Lebanon and Iraq a cross-section of major contemporary Shiite figures discuss and debate the history, theology and values of this minority branch of Islam.

  • T

  • The 3 Rooms of Melancholia - An award-winning, stunningly beautiful revelation of how the Chechen War has psychologically affected children in Russia and in Chechnya.

  • Tunisia, Year Zero - Follow the day by day events during the year after the fall of Ben Ali while Tunisian's elected a new a government and draft a constitution.

  • V

  • A Veiled Revolution - Considers the possible reasons for modern Egyptian women's turn back to tradition.

  • The Venerable W.The Venerable W. - Meeting the "Venerable Wirathu" amounts to traveling to the heart of everyday racism and observing how Islamophobia and hate speech lead to violence and destruction.

More Films & DVDs about Islam
  • Arab Diaries - A five-part documentary series that presents a fresh, insightful picture of contemporary life across the Arab world.

  • A Female Cabby in Sidi Bel-Abbès - The story of the only woman cab driver in the Algerian city of Sidi Bel-Abbès.

  • The Virgin Diaries - Two young women journey through Morocco in search of answers to their questions about virginity, sex and Islam.

  • The Women of Hezbollah - A portrait of two women activists in the Hezbollah, and an examination of the personal, social and political factors of their commitment to this Islamic movement in Lebanon.

  • Zinat, One Special Day - Zinat, the first woman from the Island of Qeshm in the south of Iran to remove the traditional face mask (Boregheh), is running for elected office.