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  • BamakoBamako - Directed by Abderrahmane Sissako, BAMAKO is both a courtroom drama and portrait of everyday Mali life.

  • Behind the Rainbow - An in-depth exploration into the recent internal conflicts of the ANC in South Africa, leading to Jacob Zuma's election as president.

  • Blue Island - This creative documentary shows real-life characters recreating protest movements from Hong Kong's modern history.

  • C

  • The Caste Struggle - A controversial affirmative action policy in India has brought about unprecedented social and political change.

  • D

  • The Democratic Revolutionary HandbookThe Democratic Revolutionary Handbook - A how-to manual to the recent democratic (but definitely not spontaneous) revolutions in Georgia, Serbia, and the Ukraine.

  • E

  • An Empire of Reason - What it would have been like if television had covered the ratification process of the US Constitution in 1781.

  • G

  • Goodbye Mubarak! - Egypt in the months leading up to the Tahrir Square demonstrations—and a revolution already simmering under the surface.

  • Guernica - Uses the famous painting by Picasso to bear witness to the atrocities of the Spanish civil war and fascism.

  • H

  • How Putin Came to PowerHow Putin Came to Power - A detailed investigation, with archives and exclusive interviews with the participants, into how Vladimir Putin rose from mayoral aide in St. Petersburg, to President of Russia, in only eight years.

  • I

  • Inside the Red Brick Wall - Hong Kong student protestors who had taken refuge at the Polytechnic University realize that they are trapped by the police.

  • The Intolerable Burden - One black family's commitment to a quality education, from the pre-1965 time of segregation, through desegregation, and through the recent period of resegregation. **Winner, John E. O'Connor Film Award, American Historical Association**

  • Iran, Veiled Appearances - Depicts clashes in modern Iran between extreme fundamentalism and young people who are pushing for social change, filming with soldiers, religious leaders, students, artists and intellectuals.

  • J

  • J'y Crois - I Believe In ItJ'y Crois - I Believe In It - A beautifully composed political documentary investigating the decentralization process in Mali.

  • K

  • Kapitalism: Our Secret Recipe - Twenty years after Ceausescu, Romanian GDP is low and infrastructure poor. Interviewing the oligarchs who control the Romanian economy, this film finds out what happened.

  • M

  • Miners Shot Down - How could 34 South African mineworkers be killed during a non-violent strike for better wages... not under apartheid, but today?

  • Mobutu, King of Zaire - Part 1 - Part one of the definitive history and visual record of the rise and fall of Joseph Désiré Mobutu, ruler of Zaire (the Congo) for over 30 years.

  • Mobutu, King of Zaire - Part 2Mobutu, King of Zaire - Part 2 - Part two of the definitive history and visual record of the rise and fall of Joseph Désiré Mobutu, ruler of Zaire (the Congo) for over 30 years.

  • Mobutu, King of Zaire - Part 3 - Part three of the definitive history and visual record of the rise and fall of Joseph Désiré Mobutu, ruler of Zaire (the Congo) for over 30 years.

  • Mustapha Kemal Ataturk - The story of the founder of the Republic of Turkey, called Atatürk ("the father of the Turks").

  • Myanmar Diaries -

    A hybrid film about life in Myanmar in the aftermath of its military coup.

  • N

  • The Nine Lives of Norodom SihanoukThe Nine Lives of Norodom Sihanouk - The life story of Norodom Sihanouk, by turns Cambodia's King, Prime Minister, Prince, Head of State for Life, Exile, and Prisoner.

  • No Gods, No Masters - Pt. 1 - A comprehensive yet accessible history of the multi-faceted global anarchist movement—once a mass force that sought not to seize political power, but to utterly destroy it.

  • No Gods, No Masters - Pt. 2 - A comprehensive yet accessible history of the multi-faceted global anarchist movement—once a mass force that sought not to seize political power, but to utterly destroy it.

  • No Gods, No Masters - Pt. 3 - A comprehensive yet accessible history of the multi-faceted global anarchist movement—once a mass force that sought not to seize political power, but to utterly destroy it.

  • O

  • 1989: A Statesman Opens Up1989: A Statesman Opens Up - How did a political novice guide Hungary through a critical historical period and contribute to the fall of the Berlin Wall?

  • S

  • Salvador Allende - Patricio Guzmán (The Battle of Chile) tells Allende's story, from his youth in Valparaiso and his early career, to his presidency of Chile and death during the coup of September 11, 1973.

  • Shadow Play - With recently declassified documents and interviews with newly liberated Indonesians, offers a startling new interpretation of events that shaped modern Indonesian history and changed the destiny of Southeast Asia.

  • State of Terrorism - The war that was launched in the name of defense of our democracies might have become its biggest threat.

  • T

  • Taking Back the LegislatureTaking Back the Legislature - This day went down in history as the day Hong Kong pro-democracy fighters stormed the legislative council and in the assembly hall delivered the Hong Kong Protest Manifesto for the first time.

  • 30 Second Democracy - Explores the disturbing relationship between political parties and the advertising industry during election campaigns.

  • The Transition Period - With unprecedented access to a Communist Party leader, investigative filmmaker Zhou Hao offers a startlingly candid look inside Chinese politics at the local level.

  • W

  • We All Fall Down - The rise and fall of America's mortgage system and the damage in the wake of its collapse. With Nouriel Roubini, Richard Sylla and Chris Mayer.

More Films & DVDs on Comparative Government
  • The Comrade - The story of Luiz Carlos Prestes, legendary leader of the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) for over 35 years, who died in 1990.

  • The Deadline - A unique and intimate look at the realpolitik of South Africa's negotiated settlement, filmed in the closing stages of the writing of South Africa's new constitution.

  • Jesus Politics - A personal investigation into the role of religion in American politics, and specifically this year's presidential election.

  • People Power - The first in depth look at non-violent revolutions around the world.

  • Red Hat - Where Are You Going? - An examination of the socio-political role of the Mossi chiefs in the West African nation of Burkina Faso.

  • Samora Machel, Son Of Africa - Before his death in a mysterious plane crash, Mozambican President Samora Machel gave the filmmaker and exclusive interview that forms the basis for the look at one of Africa's most important freedom fighters and revolutionaries.

  • Syria: the Assads' Twilight - A lively documentary history of Syria's Assad regime, tracing its origins and influence, even as it clings to power in the face of the Arab spring.