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  • Flooding Job's Garden - Behind the scenes of the highly controversial James Bay Hydro-Quebec power plant project.

  • J

  • Jack KerouacJack Kerouac - A charming program from over 40 years ago: Jack Kerouac talks about his childhood, writing On the Road and the origin of the word "beat."

  • L

  • The Learning Path - The stories of three native women who are making control of education an important issues in today's native communities.

  • Lost Rivers - Explore the growing movement and innovative projects around the world to uncover once-buried urban waterways.


  • Starting Fire with Gunpowder - Chronicles the origins and achievements of the Inuit Broadcasting Corporation (IBC), a model for aboriginal broadcasters the world over.

  • Strait Through The IceStrait Through The Ice - Climate change is opening the Northwest Passage through Canada's Arctic for shipping. Examines the ecological and geopolitical ramifications.

  • T

  • Tikinagan - Reveals the challenges faced by a native run child care agency in northwestern Ontario.

  • Time Immemorial - Presents the case of the Nisga tribe in their long fight for aboriginal rights in British Columbia.

More Films & DVDs on Canadian Studies
  • Earth Keepers - A global quest to meet key visionaries working on innovative approaches to building an environmentally sustainable future.