Films & DVDs Released in 2009

Fall 2009 Releases
Click here for the Spring, 2009 releases

New Releases from the
Fanlight Productions

  • Alzheimer's & African Americans: Echoes from the Past -Examines the high incidence of Alzheimer's disease in African-Americans, through the experiences of families who are providing care for a loved one, with everyday living advice from health professionals. (new October, 2009)

  • Bisexual Virgins: - This engaging, non-confrontational documentary invites us to look at the fluidity of sexuality in a whole new way as two "bi-curious" young women confront their fears and inhibitions. (new October, 2009)

  • A Change of Character - Truett Allen's personality changed drastically after a series of strokes resulted in damage to the frontal lobes of his brain. This captivating video features neuroscientist Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg, author of The Executive Brain, as well as neurologist and best-selling author Dr. Oliver Sacks (Awakenings). (new December, 2009)

  • In The FamilyIn The Family - Joanna Rudnick tested positive for the BRCA gene, a familial mutation that increases the odds of getting breast and ovarian cancer, now takes on the chaotic world of predictive genetic testing and the choices she must make. (new October, 2009)

  • Learning to Hear - A moving exploration of the lives of two deaf women who have opted to have cochlear implant surgery that enables them to recover their hearing. (new October, 2009)

  • Montaña de Luz - The children of the Montaña de Luz orphanage in Honduras are HIV positive, and a living testament to the beauty and innocence of childhood. This is a stirring portrait of a loving community. (new October, 2009)

  • More Than Horseplay - Explores the intersection of therapy and research of children with cerebral palsy as they grow in self-confidence and physical capability through participation in "hippotherapy," or physiotherapy involving horseback riding. (new October, 2009)

  • Mortal Lessons - Two extraordinary women, diagnosed with end stage cancer, are facing death head on, determined to lead richer, more rewarding lives in the time that they have. (new October, 2009)

  • Positive Images of Aging - A compilation of fourteen 3-5 minute video segments, each reflecting on a positive aspect of aging. (new October, 2009)

  • Positively Autistic - The autistic rights movement challenges accepted views of autism, and works to change how the world sees people with autism. Meet people at the forefront of this movement. (new October, 2009)

  • A Sentence for Two - The film contrasts the stories of prison inmates who are forced to give their newborn baby up with a prison nursery where infants spend the first year of life alongside their mothers. (new October, 2009)

  • Seventeen Short Films About Breasts - This provocative and often lovely suite of short films explores a range of feelings and concerns women have about their breasts. Together or individually, they offer a wonderful variety of ways to stimulate reflection and discussion. (new October, 2009)

  • Soldier's Heart - PTSD once had other names: Civil War vets had 'soldier's heart.' and in WWI, 'shell shock.' The filmmaker's father came back from WWII with 'combat fatigue,' and the trauma affected his entire family. (new October, 2009)

  • Wipe Out - Narrated by an Olympic gold snowboarder, this documentary tells the story of three young men living with permanent brain damage from head injuries while pursuing extreme sports. (new October, 2009)

  • Agustín's Newspaper - Journalism students at the University of Chile embark on an investigation of El Mercurio, the oldest newspaper in Chile. (new September, 2009)

  • The Battle for the ArcticThe Battle for the Arctic - As the polar ice caps shrink, an international contest for control of the Arctic, is escalating. (new September, 2009)

  • Black Sun - A history of the esoteric ideas and myths that served as a breeding ground for Nazi ideology and inspired Adolf Hiter. (new September, 2009)

  • In Search of Memory - The life and work of one of the most important neuroscientists of the 20th century, Nobel Prize winner Eric Kandel. (new September, 2009)

  • The InheritorsThe Inheritors - An immersion in the daily life of children in Mexico who, with their families, survive only by their unrelenting labor. (new September, 2009)

  • Lotman's World - The story of Yuri Lotman (1922-1993), little-known - except maybe in Estonia! - pioneer of semiotics. (new September, 2009)

  • The Moving Earth - A chronicle of the revolution that shaped the world as we know it, made by Galileo, Copernicus, Tycho Brahe to Newton. (new September, 2009)

  • The Nine Lives of Norodom Sihanouk - The life story of Norodom Sihanouk, by turns Cambodia's King, Prime Minister, Prince, Head of State for Life, Exile, and Prisoner. (new September, 2009)

  • Oedipus in China - Over the last ten to fifteen years, the development of psychoanalysis in China reflects the changing needs of a society that is just learning how to express personal feelings. (new October, 2009)

  • Secret Museums - For millenia erotic art has been created, often by some of the world's best-known artists. But it is rarely on public display. (new September, 2009)

  • Seeds of Hunger - A global investigation into the evolving nature of food production, and the crisis it may portend. (new September, 2009)

  • War and Love in KabulWar and Love in Kabul - Hossein's and Shaima's love is a story about honor, tribal laws, disgrace, fear, and hope for change in a war-ravaged Afghanistan. (new September, 2009)

  • The World's Next Supermodel - Asia, Brazil or Western Europe - which will be the world's next economic superstar? (new September, 2009)


Spring 2009 Releases
Click here for the Fall, 2009 releases

  • Battleship Antarctica - The crew of the Greenpeace ship Esperanza is faced with difficult decisions when their journey to save whales from Japanese hunters takes an unexpected turn. (new February, 2009)

  • The Hidden Face of Fear - Neuroscientists and psychologists are approaching a common understanding of how the brain's fear circuitry works, and changes. (new January, 2009)

  • LucanamarcaLucanamarca - In the Peruvian Andes, in the town of Lucanamarca, old wounds are re-opened when the Truth and Reconciliation Commission arrives to investigate a massacre from 20 years ago. (new February, 2009)

  • Malls R Us - From impressive architectural projects to economic, environmental and social concerns, everything about shopping malls, and more. (new January, 2009)

  • Mind in Motion - An exploration of the latest scientific discoveries about the human brain, an inner cosmos as complex as the universe itself. (new January, 2009)

  • The Moroccan Labyrinth - The little-known history of Spain's bloody colonial ambitions in North Africa, and how they became a prelude to the Spanish Civil War. (new January, 2009)

  • - In West Africa many young women, who dream of escaping a life of misery by marrying a rich, white foreigner, surf the Internet for marriage proposals. (new January, 2009)

  • Oblivion - Heddy Honigmann's latest film focuses on Peru's capital city of Lima, revealing the contrasts of wealth and poverty, and how its poorest citizens have survived decades of economic crisis and corruption. (new January, 2009)

  • Rapayan - High in the Andes mountains of Peru, above a small village that scarcely seemed to notice, archaeologists have found the ruins of an indigenous settlement that predates the Incas. (new January, 2009)

  • A Road to Mecca - The story of Leopold Weiss, a Viennese Jew who converted to Islam in the 1920's and became the Muslim scholar Muhammad Asad. (new January, 2009)

  • Sacred Soil - The Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation exhumes up to 1,000 bodies a year in order to identify them, and return the remains to their families. (new January, 2009)

  • Svetlana About SvetlanaSvetlana About Svetlana - A rare filmed interview with Svetlana Alliluyeva, Joseph Stalin's daughter. (new January, 2009)

  • We All Fall Down - The rise and fall of America's mortgage system and the damage in the wake of its collapse. With Nouriel Roubini, Richard Sylla and Chris Mayer. (new February, 2009)

  • Young Freud in Gaza - Ayed is a young psychotherapist in Gaza. The film shows his consultations with a variety of patients, and the challenges he and they face. (new January, 2009)