Films & DVDs Released in 2006
Fall 2006 Releases Click here for the Spring releases
  • Angry MonkAngry Monk - Gendun Choephel, a legendary figure in Tibet, turned from the monastic life he was born to (as the reincarnation of a Buddhist lama), to become a fierce critic of his country's religious conservatism and isolationism. (new September, 2006)

  • The Bible Unearthed - A four-part series based on the best-selling book The Bible Unearthed by Israël Finkelstein (Prof. of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University) and Neil Silberman (Director of the Ename Center for Public Archaeology & Heritage Presentation). (new September, 2006)

  • Can't Do It In Europe - In Potosí, Bolivia, some tourists go down the deadly silver mines, to see the medieval work conditions. Why do they crawl through contaminated tunnels on their vacation - to know a foreign culture, or to escape boredom? (new September, 2006)

  • The Case of the Grinning Cat - In his newest film, French cinema-essayist Chris Marker reflects on French and international politics, art and culture at the start of the new millennium. (new September, 2006)

  • Chris Marker's Bestiary - Five Chris Marker short films devoted to animals collected together and available for the first time! (new September, 2006)

  • Constant, Avant le Depart - Filmed shortly before Constant Nieuwenhuys' death, this is an intimate glimpse into the life and work of the painter, urban theorist, and influential member of the European avant-garde. (new September, 2006)

  • Democracy on Deadline - A survey of journalists working in various media and languages around the world, as they grapple with their relationships to government, and the dangers of speaking truth to power. (new September, 2006)

  • Everything's Fine - Seydou Konaté is a doctor in a remote area in Mali. But he is at the center of a global issue: bringing quality health care to rural people left behind by development. (new September, 2006)

  • How Happy Can You Be? - What is happiness? And how do we get more of it? Visiting leading figures in positive psychology and observing clinical experiments, this is a light-hearted but serious investigation. (new September, 2006)

  • Inside Out - Transsexuals in Iran. Intimate conversations with doctors, religious authorities, and transsexuals about the mind/body conflict, Islamic interpretations, and the impact of sex-change treatments on their lives. (new September, 2006)

  • Jacques Lacan Speaks - A unique film from the archives, a documentary based on a 1971 university speaking appearance by Jacques Lacan (1901-1981), the most influential psychoanalyst after Freud. (new September, 2006)

  • Last Grave at Dimbaza - Shot secretly and smuggled out of South Africa at the height of the apartheid era, this was the most widely screened and influential anti-apartheid documentary. Now restored and on DVD for the first time. (new September, 2006)

  • The Photographer, His Wife, Her Lover - A complex tale of art world profit, deception and crime, framed by O. Winston Link's stunning iconic photographs of the last of the American steam locomotives. (new September, 2006)

  • Playing the News - Does the convergence online of current affairs (like the Iraq war) and computer games herald the future of news and entertainment? And if so, is it dangerous, or a new way to reach a young audience? (new September, 2006)

  • Renzo Piano - An intimate working portrait of the world-renowned, non-conformist architect, designer of the Pompidou Center in Paris, the De Mesnil Museum in Houston and the Kansai airport in Japan. (new September, 2006)

  • Salvador Allende - Patricio Guzmán (The Battle of Chile) tells Allende's story, from his youth in Valparaiso and his early career, to his presidency of Chile and death during the coup of September 11, 1973. (new September, 2006)

  • Saudi Solutions - Personal profiles of ambitious women in Saudi Arabia, one of the most closed and conservative Muslim societies in the world. (new September, 2006)

  • The Secret Life of BabiesThe Secret Life of Babies - A two-part examination of the psychological development of babies, from intrauterine life to the first months after birth. How do fetuses and babies perceive their worlds, and ours? (new September, 2006)

  • Shigeru Ban - A profile of the Japanese architect noted for his use of inexpensive construction materials, such as cardboard tubes, used in prefab housing adopted by the UN High Commission for Refugees. (new September, 2006)

  • The Two Lives of Eva - The complicated, traumatic story of a young woman, the filmmaker's mother, a well-off, Polish Lutheran before WWII, who afterwards married a Jewish Warsaw ghetto survivor. (new September, 2006)

  • Wandering Souls - Thirty years after the end of the war against the United States, two Vietnamese veterans continue to search for the remains of their dead comrades. (new September, 2006)

  • Zorro's Bar Mitzvah - Four 12-year-olds are preparing for their bar or bat mitzvah. A critical and ironic look at Jewish tradition and its interpretations, while exploring the diffuse terrain of adolescence. (new September, 2006)

Spring 2006 Releases Click here for the Fall releases
  • Back to the Soil - A young Korean couple leaves the city to become farmers. They struggle to survive economically from the land, while trying to balance their political activism and family life. (new January, 2006)

  • Excellent Cadavers - A dramatic investigation of the recent history of the Mafia and its integral relationship to postwar Italian politics. Based on the book by Alexander Stille. (new January, 2006)

  • Exit - Profiles the EXIT organization, which for over twenty years has counseled and accompanied the terminally-ill and severely handicapped towards a death of their choice. (new April, 2006)

  • Hats of Jerusalem - Jerusalem can rightfully be called the hat capital of the world, and this colorful and personal trip takes us along the diverse headdresses of the three religions populating the city. (new March, 2006)

  • The Hermitage Dwellers - This kaleidoscope of people and events in the great museum unfolds into a poignant account of Russia's painful 20th century transformed by the "dwellers" intimate relationship with the art. (new January, 2006)

  • Hermitage-Niks - This five-part series is the expanded, in-depth version of THE HERMITAGE DWELLERS. (new January, 2006)

  • Japan's Peace Constitution - Explores the origins of Japan's Constitution in the ashes of war, and the significance of its famous peace clause, Article 9, and the debates surrounding it, in the 21st century. (new January, 2006)

  • Justice at Agadez - Agadez, Niger: Alongside the laws of the state, another judicial system exists. The living heritage of the Muslim tradition. (new February, 2006)

  • KochuuKochuu - A visually stunning film about modern Japanese architecture, its roots in Japanese tradition, and their relationships to modernist Scandinavian design. With two Pritzker Prize winners, Tadao Ando and Sverre Fehn. (new January, 2006)

  • Malick Sidibé - Short but sweet look at the work of the renowned African artist whose photographs have documented social and cultural changes in Mali over a forty-year period. (new February, 2006)

  • Napoleon, David - Featuring the paintings of Jacques-Louis David, including "Napoleon's Coronation." Examines how art and propaganda were intertwined throughout Napoleon's career. (new January, 2006)

  • Our Daily Bread - A spectacular visual essay composed of epic tableaus, a haunting vision of our modern food industry, and the methods and technology utilized for mass production.(new March, 2006)

  • Out of Place - Traces the life and work of Edward Said (1935-2003), the Palestinian-born intellectual who wrote widely on history, literature, music, philosophy and politics. (new April, 2006)

  • Remembering - The phenomena of human memory. A dialogue with one's own history? An incomprehensible flow of individual and collective references that determine our current and future life? (new January, 2006)

  • Robert, Mary, and Katrina - The astounding story of how one elderly couple faced and survived Hurricane Katrina. "[Their] story of struggle and survival from the wrath of Katrina grips the audience's emotions." - Educational Media Reviews Online (new March, 2006)

  • They Chose China - Academy Award-nominated documentarian Shui-Bo Wang tells the controversial story of American POWs who after the Korean War refused repatriation, and stayed in China. (new April, 2006)

  • To Be Seen - A lively study of visual culture, and an exploration of an age-old urban cultural phenomenon, street art. What is art's role in the context of public space and urban culture? (new January, 2006)

  • Try to Remember - A mother returns to her home village Yantang, in China, with her son, to show him where she grew up, and to talk for the first time about the days of the Cultural Revolution. (new January, 2006)