Films & DVDs Released in 2005
Fall 2005 Releases Click here for the Spring releases
  • America's Brutal Prisons - Exposes the violence occurring inside prisons throughout America, where prisoners are routinely abused, even tortured, by prison guards. (new September, 2005)

  • August SanderAugust Sander - A portrait of one of the most important photographers of the 20th century, who though uncelebrated in his own lifetime, pioneered social documentary photography. (new September, 2005)

  • Between Midnight and the Rooster's Crow - A case study of the troubling connections between corporations, Western consumption, and the 3rd World, and journey along the cross-Andes route of an oil pipeline in Ecuador. (new September, 2005)

  • Bruly Bouabre's Alphabet - In the 1950's, Ivory Coast artist Bruly Bouabré created hundreds of pictograms based on one-syllable words in his language, Bété. (new September, 2005)

  • Clara Lemlich - The story of the young, Jewish, Ukrainian-born woman who in 1909 sparked the 'Uprising of the 20,000' -- the first massive strike of New York City garment workers. (new September, 2005)

  • The Dreamers of Arnhem Land - The two Aboriginal elders who set out to save their community from cultural extinction by combining traditional knowledge and contemporary scientific expertise. (new September, 2005)

  • FALN - A remarkable time capsule of Venezuelan political and social history, and valuable background to the ongoing social conflicts in that country. (new September, 2005)

  • Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir - From 1967, for the first time on video or DVD, a portrait of two of the most influential and controversial writers and thinkers of the 20th century. They discuss their work, lives, and the role of intellectuals in modern society. (new September, 2005)

  • Justice - Takes a camera where few have been, a criminal courtroom in Rio de Janeiro, to record the social theatre, the structures of power, what is usually invisible. (new September, 2005)

  • La SierraLa Sierra - Tracing a year in the life of a neighborhood in Medellin, Colombia ruled by a paramilitary gang, this is a searing exploration of three lives defined by years of overwhelming violence. (new September, 2005)

  • Mademoiselle and the Doctor - Lisette Nigot seems an unlikely candidate for euthanasia. At 79, she is in good health, feels no pain, and does not seem depressed. But she says she sees no reason to continue living. And Dr. Philip Nitschke is willing to help her. (new September, 2005)

  • The Making Of Rocky Road to Dublin - Reunites Peter Lennon and cinematographer Raoul Coutard, who recount the making of their then controversial but now classic documentary on Ireland in the Sixties. (new September, 2005)

  • Regular or Super - A lovely introduction to Mies van der Rohe, one of the 20th century's most influential architects, and a stimulating examination of modernism and our urban environments. (new September, 2005)

  • The Road to Kerbala - Filmmaker Katia Jarjoura joins religious celebrants on the 100-kilometer walk from Baghdad to Kerbala, offering rare insights into the political and religious turmoil of U.S.-occupied Iraq. (new September, 2005)

  • Rocky Road to Dublin - The last film screened at the Cannes Film Festival in 1968. A provocative, biting portrayal of 1960s Ireland: the stultifying educational system, the repressive, reactionary clergy, and the myopic cultural nationalism. (new September, 2005)

  • Shi'ism - Across Iran, Lebanon and Iraq a cross-section of major contemporary Shiite figures discuss and debate the history, theology and values of this minority branch of Islam. (new September, 2005)

  • A Song for Ireland - Traces the history of Ireland through her music, and Ireland's music through her history. (new September, 2005)

Spring 2005 Releases Click here for the Fall releases
  • Antonio Negri - Traces the biography and current relevance of this controversial moral and political philosopher, his work, and his contemporary role as an intellectual leader of the anti-globalization movement. (new February, 2005)

  • Bride Kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan - The first film about the Kyrgyz tradition of bride kidnapping takes viewers inside families, to talk with kidnapped brides who have managed to escape as well as those who are making homes with their new husbands. (new January, 2005)

  • A Decent Factory - Can companies make a profit and still be principled? This film finds out as it follows Nokia's new "ethical management consultant" on a trip to their factory in China. (new February, 2005)

  • The Ister - During a journey up the Danube River, this film takes up some of the most challenging paths in Martin Heidegger's thought. With the philosophers Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Jean-Luc Nancy, Bernard Stiegler, and filmmaker Hans-Jürgen Syberberg. (new February, 2005)

  • The Men Who Would Conquer China - How does one buy companies owned by the state of China, support that country's transition to capitalism, and make a fortune at the same time? (new January, 2005)

  • Monte Grande - How do body and mind exist as an integrated whole? The eminent neurobiologist Francisco Varela devoted his entire life to answering this question. Featuring His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso the 14th Dalai Lama (new March, 2005)

  • My American Family - 70-year-old Gaetano Merenda and his son (the filmmaker) travel to America for a reunion with relatives whose ancestors came from their small town in southern Italy more than a century ago. (new February, 2005)

  • On The Objection Front - In early 2002, a group of Israeli officers and soldiers issued a public statement. Although willing to serve in Israel's defense, they would no longer participate in the "War of the Settlements." (new May, 2005)

  • Proteus - Animated exploration of the 19th century's fascination with the undersea world, a portrait of Ernst Haeckel, who found in the sea depths an ecstatic fusion of science and art. (new October, 2004)

  • Selling SicknessSelling Sickness - Explores the unhealthy relationships between society, medical science and the pharmaceutical industry as it promotes not just drugs but also the latest diseases that go with them. (new February, 2005)

  • Still, The Children Are Here - A portrait of the Garo people of India, for whom cultivating rice is a way of life and worship, this film not only describes an indigenous culture, but the essential nature of humanity. Produced by Mira Nair. (new October, 2004)

  • The 3 Rooms of Melancholia - An award-winning, stunningly beautiful revelation of how the Chechen War has psychologically affected children in Russia and in Chechnya. (new March, 2005)

  • With God On Our Side - A balanced chronicle of the emergence of conservative Christians as a political force, and an in-depth look at Pres. Bush's connection with evangelicals, told largely in evangelical conservatives' own words. (new December, 2004)