Last Summer Won't Happen

Directed by Peter Gessner & Tom Hurwitz

58 minutes / Color
Release: 2002
Copyright: 1968

film still
Last Summer Won't Happen is included on the same DVD as Time of the Locust

Shot in 1968, one year after the Summer of Love, LAST SUMMER WON'T HAPPEN is a critical yet sympathetic examination of the anti-war movement in New York City. The film traces the development of a group of activists on the Lower East Side. We see their growth from isolated, alienated individuals to a politically empowered community.

Filmed between the protests at the Pentagon and the demonstrations at the Democratic Convention in Chicago, it includes portraits of Abbie Hoffman, editor Paul Krassner, folksinger Phil Ochs and anarchist Tom "Osha" Neumann.

"A fascinating film, troubling and troubled, and its jumble of styles encompasses the lyrical, pseudo-dramatic, didactic and auto-critical... it is born of an uncertainty about new ways of organizing life and art." —Joseph Morgenstern, Newsweek

"As good an introduction to the sixties as I can think of." —Louis Proyect, Counterpunch

"The footage of old New York is priceless." —J. Hoberman, Artinfo

"A useful counter-balance... to the sentimental view of hippies given by the commercial cinema." —The Daily Telegraph

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Select Accolades

  • 1968 New York Film Festival
  • 1969 Festival dei Popoli of Florence
  • 1970 The Museum of Modern Art


An intimate look at the Catonsville Nine who on May 17, 1968 walked into a Catonsville, Maryland draft board office, grabbed hundreds of selective service records and incinerated them with homemade napalm.

Lynne Sachs | 2001 | 45 minutes | Color | English