Samora Machel, Son Of Africa

28 minutes / Color
Release: 1989
Copyright: 1989

Before his death in a tragic plane crash that many believe to have resulted from South African sabotage, Mozambican President Samora Machel gave the filmmaker and exclusive interview that forms the basis for the look at one of Africa's most important freedom fighters and revolutionaries.

SAMORA MACHEL, SON OF AFRICA combines the interview with documentary footage of Machel at a political rally in Zimbabwe, a song and dance tribute to Frelimo and Machel by peasant, and the thoughts and reminiscences of Professor John Saul, a personal friend of Machel and a former teacher in the Frelimo part school in Maputo.

Professor Saul discusses Machel's defense of Frelimo's policies after independence and his condemnation of South African destabilization efforts, as well as tracing his rise from the humble son of a peasant farmer to leader of a revolution and a country. SAMORA MACHEL, SON OF AFRICA is an important document, capturing for history both the spirit of the man and aspects of his political beliefs and actions.

Ways to Watch

Colleges, Universities, Government Agencies, Hospitals, and Corporations

Purchase DVD for $248.00

Select Accolades

  • 1989 Vues d'Afrique Festival (Montreal)


Women veterans of Mozambique's independence war offer an intimate view of the country's troubled history since 1975.

Ike Bertels | 2013 | 80 minutes | Color | English | English subtitles

The story of Mozambique's National Institute of Cinema (INC) - a history of the birth and death of local cinema, and the birth and death of an ideology.

Margarida Cardoso | 2003 | 52 minutes | Color | Portuguese | English subtitles