Hissein Habre, A Chadian Tragedy

Directed by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun

82 minutes / Color
English; French; Arabic / English subtitles
Release: 2016
Copyright: 2016

In 2013, former Chadian dictator Hissein Habre's arrest in Senegal marked the end of a long combat for the survivors of his regime. Accompanied by the Chairman of the Association of the Victims of the Hissein Habre Regime, Mahamat Saleh Haroun goes to meet those who survived this tragedy and who still bear the scars of the horror in their flesh and in their souls. Through their courage and determination, the victims accomplish an unprecedented feat in the history of Africa: that of bringing a Head of State to trial.

"Heart-stopping... Unflinching." The Guardian

"Wrecks you in ways you might not have known were possible... A film of rare power... Essential viewing." Village Voice

"Concise, clearly told and deeply effective ... The film's classic, unadorned visuals contribute to a sense of the ineluctability of truth, furthered by straightforward editing guaranteeing that each story becomes a powerful testimony." Variety

"Director Mahamat-Saleh Haroun captures the stirring and disturbing testimony of a handful of survivors who lived through Habre's dictatorship... By allowing them to tell their stories, Haroun is helping his country to finally mourn its own tragedy, while his warm and understanding approach offers up what feels like a path toward appeasement." Hollywood Reporter

"Mahamat-Saleh Haroun delves into his country’s history in this intimate, experiential, and impassioned documentary." The New Yorker

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Select Accolades

  • 2016 Cannes Film Festival
  • 2016 New York Film Festival
  • 2016 Toronto Film Festival
  • 2016 Sydney Film Festival
  • 2016 International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam
  • 2016 Dokufest International Documentary Film Festival
  • 2017 African Literature Association Conference


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