New Year - News & New DVDs

Greetings! Obviously I did not get around to writing as many of these posts as I had hoped when we launched this new home video web site in September, 2008. But rest assured, it is on my list of important New Year's resolutions. So I am sure to do better this year.

And to start off 2009 I am really happy to be able to announce the release this month of one of our most amazing films (really) - OUR DAILY BREAD by Nikolaus Geyrhalter. The film received enormous praise upon its theatrical release (including being on Manhola Dargis' Top 10 list for the year), and now the accolades continue for our DVD, here is just one of several new reviews this week:

Coming up next are Heddy Honigmann's FOREVER and in May, Chris Marker's "magnum opus" A GRIN WITHOUT A CAT.

We look forward to this exciting year and hope you will be with us along the way. Our aim is to solidify Icarus Films' position as a primary source for only the best in creative international documentary cinema. Please remember to sign up for our email list and we will keep you in the loop on these and other developments along the way. All the best for now.

Jonathan Miller