Welcome to Icarus Films' new web site for our Home Video DVD releases.

For 30 years Icarus Films has distributed innovative and provocative documentary films, made by independent producers around the world. A leading distributor of documentaries in North America with a collection of close to 800 titles, our films have long been fixtures in film festivals, museums, art cinemas, and in college and university film programs, classes, and libraries. Now we are proud to be able to make selected titles available on DVD for home use.

Over the coming year we will release additional titles one or two per month (and in the coming months I may drop a few hints here about some long-awaited titles amongst them!) For now please look over the titles already included here, write to us at HomeVideo(at)IcarusFilms(dot)com if you have any questions or suggestions, and be sure and sign up for our email list and we will let you know about each exciting new release as it is ready.


Jonathan Miller